BBC Spotlight film a community composting scheme in Cornwall. Credit: Jonny Pickup.

How we work with media

Our storytellers are experienced journalists who collaborate with local and regional media to tell engaging and inspiring tales of action.

When finding a home for a story, our storytellers consider which local audiences it will most likely connect with, and how. This might mean writing an article for print media, inviting a broadcast channel to film an event happening locally, supporting a spokesperson to be interviewed on live radio, sharing content on social media and online forums, or bringing people together at an event.

We support local, regional, and national journalists, working together to produce contacts, spokespeople or accurate data which will add depth and relevance to the articles they want to write.

We work with national partners to localise press releases, research, campaigns, and briefings to ensure stories are relatable to members of the public, communities, and businesses in key areas across the UK.

By placing stories and spokespeople from our regions into national news we help to show how the stories of the transition are normal and everyday.

Case study: Teaming up with the ECIU to give national research local impact

Top 20 hotspots where the net zero economy has generated the highest GVA and jobs. Credit: ECIU.

With advanced warning from the Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit about their report into net zero economic hotspots, we were able to amplify their research in both the North East and Yorkshire & Humber.

In the North East our Storyteller regionalised the press release, making life easier for under-pressure local journalists. This secured coverage in the Northern Echo, Newcastle Chronicle, Wear Business and Business Live. Meanwhile, in Yorkshire & Humber our Storyteller added supportive quotes from local business leaders, resulting in a spokesperson appearing on Radio Sheffield and a front-page splash in the Yorkshire Post.


Storytelling Community engagement

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